Overview | Eyebrow & Beard Hair Transplant
With the beard trend spreading like wildfire, most young men are dying to sport one. But not everyone’s lucky and it is seen that almost 50% men cannot grow a proper even beard. Most men suffer from bald patches in the beard or sideburns. Apart from beard, uneven hair or lack of hair in eyebrows too is a major concern for some people. A modified hair transplant method, uniquely designed for facial hair transplant in beard and eyebrows is available and increasingly opted for by men today. Facial hair transplants are minimally invasive and negligibly scarring performed by the technique called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
Radiance's Approach
To Eyebrow & Beard Hair Transplant
Radiance Clinic offers facial hair transplants, not commonly available at all clinics. Here, FUE method is employed to individually extract hair follicle units and implant them into the target sites. FUE is minimally invasive and does not leave behind scars. It also has a great success rate. For sensitive areas like eyebrows and beard, FUE works wonders provided it is performed at the hands of experts. At Radiance, the patient hair is assessed by the surgeon before deciding on the number of hairs required to be transplanted and distance between implants. After a thorough examination, the experts perform the surgery taking utmost care and safety measures.
We At Radiance Approach Eyebrow & Beard Hair Transplant With 3 Important Steps :
Our experts conduct a detailed study of the skin and hair condition and get to the root cause.
Customized treatment plan including advanced technology and services for every patient depending on the expert diagnosis.
Close monitoring of treatment progress along with guidance on the right diet, medications and hair care.