Overview | Autologous Fat Transfer
Autologous Fat Transfer or microlipoinjection, as it is simply known, refers to a procedure wherein the patient’s own body fat is used to add volume to shrunken areas of the face or other body parts. This kind of facial fat injections can help restore the contours of the cheeks, chin or under-eyes. Fat injection is also useful in making the lips look plumper. Autologous fat transfer is different from other fillers as it does not introduce a foreign material into the body but just the patient’s own fat. The effects too, last from months to up to two years.
Radiance's Approach
To Autologous Fat Transfer
Autologous fat transfer is a slightly elaborate process requiring expertise and certifications. Radiance Clinic offers the best of autologous fat transfer services. The procedure involves three main steps of gentle liposuction of excess fat from patient’s abdomen or thighs or buttocks, isolation of fat cells from the fat and injection of fat cells into targeted areas on the face. Such fat fillers are useful for elimination of wrinkles, creases and frown lines. Most importantly, they help restore the attractive contours of cheeks and jawline which may have been lost due to aging.

We At Radiance Approach Autologous Fat Transfer With 3 Important Steps :
Our experts conduct a detailed study of the skin and hair condition and get to the root cause.
Customized treatment plan including advanced technology and services for every patient depending on the expert diagnosis.
Close monitoring of treatment progress along with guidance on the right diet, medications and hair care.